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Thursday, August 22, 2013


A. Strict Press 3x5
40kg, 50kg, 60kg
50 was moderately heavy, 60 was a damn struggle. That was the heaviest I could have gone for 5. Not sure what my 5rm is but it's, pretty close to that. 

B. Push Press 4x4
70kg, 75kg, 80kg, 85kg x 3. 
Went for it with a steady jump bc 80 felt good. It was tough but still felt good. 85 just was all over the place. Bar was out front on first 2 reps. Lockout was tough. Third rep was better but fourth was out front again and missed it. 

AMRAP 10 of "Nate" - steady rounds 
rest 5 min
AMRAP 10 - max effort competition type atmosphere
20 Cal AD
15 Burpees
10 T2B

7+ 11


Damn AD. I hate that damn machine sometimes. First round out already was tired and kinda paced so I could stay consistent. Burpees were same...kind of map like training but a little higher paced. T2b was like a break I looked forward to every round. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


A. Power Clean x 1 + Push Jerk x 2 - Heavy single 
70-80-85-90 missed second push jerk

B.  Power clean @ 90% of 1 Rm; 2 reps on the 30 seconds x 5 minutes

Tire flip
bupree box jump @ 30"
wall walk

Time - 14:03
core work for 10 minutes here

Monday, August 19, 2013


A. BS Wave - building in prior weeks 
112-117-122-117-112. Felt good today squatting. On my toes but only on the last rep of one set. Felt better today. 

B. EMOM x 16
Odd: TnG SqT snatches - starting 115 x 2-3 reps, climb in weight but speed is focus
Even: first half. Strict HSPU 4-5; then going to kipping 4-6

Started at 52 kilos and went up by 2 kilos every round. Hspu felt the best they have felt ever. Was getting a good kip and was able to kick back towards the wall and push my head through easily. Pumped!!

C. 3 rds
20 SqT Cleans (95)
20 Pull-ups 
Time 11:43. 

Felt like shit before and during the workout. Not sure if it was something I ate or what. Did the whole first round unbroken. Second round went 8 squat cleans then 12 followed by unbroken pull-ups. Third round fell apart. Squat cleans went 6-7-7 and pull-ups went 14-6. Grip was an issue today. Was the only real reason I came off the pull-up bar. 


A. SqT Clean x 2 + 3 Hang high Pulls (below knee)
Worked up to 105 and was pretty happy with that. Pulls were a bit sad but I was tired by that point and gave it all that was left. 
B. Front Rack Lunges 4 x 12 - ascending- alt legs
60-70-80-90. Didn't think I would get nearly this much so was pretty pumped with it. 

Run 400m 
50 Power Cleans (95)
Run 400m
Time 7:07. Wasn't that bad. Did 25-6-10-10
D. DB SA Row 4 x 6; rest :30 between arms 
50 x 2, 60 x 2. Made sure to keep scaps pulled back the entire time but lost it a little on the last rep

Friday, August 16, 2013


A. Snatch Deadlift + High Hang Snatch + TnG Snatch
60, 65, 70 x miss, 
B. Push Jerk - 8 Min to est Heavy double
70, 80, 85, 90
500m Row - Max Effort
Rest :30 seconds
KB Swings (70)
rest 1 minute
800m Run
50 Box Jumps
rest 3 min
40 KB Squat Cleans (53 in each hand)

Holy shit. Felt terrible right from the start. Row was slow 1:35ish. Finished Freddie around 7:30. Run wasn't too bad. Did 50 step down box jumps without a pause. Just wanted to keep moving at that point. Kb squat cleans went 8-7-6-5-5-5-4. Was tough to stand up with the last couple on every set. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


AM Session :
:30 on @85-90%
:30 on @60%
x 20 min on AD

Missed this because didn't know programming was already done and I had on ramps early. 

A. Power Clean Cluster  1.1.1 x 5; rest :10; rest 2-3 min

B. Push Press - behind the neck 5x2 - ascending. Playing with this position to est a weight for future. 

Was really happy with this and felt pretty strong. Bar was easier to get up only having to go straight. 

C. EMOM x 20
Odd: Strict HSPU - focus head through quality x 4-6 reps
Even: PS x 5 reps at 115#   Speed & technique = major focus here

This was tough today. Still bending my arms a ton in the snatch and not pulling under as much as I need to. 

D. TGU - 20 reps alternating


A. Snatch Cluster 1.1.1 x 4, rest :10 ; rest 2-3 min
Bad day snatching again today. Will use Wednesday to really dial in the echinacea because its getting a bit ridiculous. Pretty pissed

B. BS Wave - same as last, lower weights a bit
110kg x 8, 115kg x 6, 120kg x 4, 125kg x 2, 120kg x 4, 115kg x 6, 110kg x 8

Squats were tough today but got through all the sets. Kilo plates only from now on. 

50 unbroken wall balls
30 CTb pull ups
40 unbroken wall balls
25 CtB pull ups
30 unbroken wall balls
20 CTB pull ups
20 unbroken wall balls
15 CTB pull ups
10 unbroken wall balls
10 CTB pull ups
*get the wall balls unbroken each time!

Went 50, 20-10-5, 40, 10-10-10, 30, 10-10, 20, 8-7, 10, 10

Felt good during most of the wall balls. They were tough but nothing unmanageable. Was shoulders taking most of it until the round of 30 wb then the legs kicked out on me and I had to resort jumping to reach the target. Very happy about getting all wall balls unbroken but absolutely needed to get back on the pull-up bar faster. 

Intervals @85%. Row. :20 on @90% :20 on @60% x 20 intervals 

Actually rowed these a little harder than the recommended pace. Felt good. 


Supposed to be a rest day

Mobilized to start things off. After that I ran 2 miles at a decent pace but nothing too crazy

Squatted after that with just a set of heavy singles up to 295. 


Team competition at the gym all day. 


A. Clean & Jerk - 1RM
B. EMOM x 8 @ 65% of A, x 2 reps
Row 1k AFAP
rest 12 minutes
50 Cal AD
100 Pullups
150 Wall Balls

Didn't do any of this because was running around getting stuff set up for the comp tomorrow. Pretty bummed, excited to test the clean and jerk 1RM. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


A. Snatch Balance - 5 x 2 , ascending
B. OHS 4 sets of 3-4 reps; rest 2:30
Felt pretty good on these. 175 was a little tougher than it should have been but strictly because of my wrists. Need to find a way to keep better positioning with my shoulders so I can narrow the grip up. 

3 rds
10 Power Snatch (135)
20 T2B
30 Walk Lunges with the (135) back racked 
Time - 19:01

Should have done a few doubles and tries on the power snatches instead of all singles. T2b were all unbroken and first and third set of lunges were unbroken. Second set was 20/10 because I was thinking of saving my legs for third round. Should have kept going. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


:30 On @85%
:30 On @50%
x 10 min on Rower
rest 2
:30 On @ ME
:30 Off
x 10 intervels on AD
rest 2
:30 On @85%
:30 On @50%
x 10 min on Row

Felt pretty good throughout. First set on rower was around 1:42-1:45. 167 cals on the AD. . Last few rounds on the rower were around 1:38 which I was happy with. Legs felt better as I went along. Probably could have warmed up a little better than I did. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


A. Power Clean + Push Jerk - heavy Single
Only worked up to 205 here. Push jerk wasn't feelin smooth today

B. EMOM x 8 @60-65% for 2 reps
Started to feel better here but also lighter weight. 

C. MAP Training - 80-85%
10 KB Swings (70)
10 Burpees
200m Run

rest 10

AFAP per round, 
10 Deadlifts (225)
10 Burpees
200m Run
rest 8 min x 3

20 TGU - light weight, focusing on rehab shoulders

AMRAP 10 = 4+20
AFAP = 1:25, 1:22. 1:19

Had a really good day today. Liked both of these workouts and the kb felt pretty light in the first wod

Was glad times got faster on the repeater as I went on. Not sure where I made up the time but was happy overall

TGU= 35lb kb

Monday, August 5, 2013


session a: 
A. Snatch Complex:   Deadlift + lower below knee 2 second pause and hang snatch + TnG Snatch
50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 65kg x F, 65kg, 67kg

B. Back Squat Wave - - shooting for higher #'s than last wave, with same each rep scheme.
117kg, 122kg x 4. Failed on 5th. Dropped to 120 and failed at rep 3. Bad day squatting. 

C.  EMOM x 20
Odd: 2 SqT Cleans @ 225
Even: 7-10 HSPU   Start with 10 while you can, keep above 7

2, 10, 2, 10, 2, 8, 2, 7, 2, 7, 2, 7, 2, 7, 0, 6, 2, 3, 2, 7

session B: 
400m Run
10 muscle ups
rest 10 min x 3

2:24, 2:23, 2:30

Felt really good with the cleans today. Was doing a much better job of getting under the bar in my pulls and not letting it get away from me.  Really worked on "upper cutting" the bar. Was happy that I only missed 2 cleans the whole time. 

Got all of the muscle ups unbroken but barely. Will def have to push harder next time in the run and try to not wait so long to get onto the rings

Friday, August 2, 2013


A. Power Snatch - 2RM TnG
50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 68 miss x3
Shit day snatching. Couldn't get anything to stick

B. Snatch Pulls 3x2 @120%
AMRAP 10 @80-85%
200m Run
10 Thrusters (95)
5 Muscle ups

Got through 4 complete rounds and all were unbroken. Felt really good about this workout today. Almost finished the run after the fourth round. Was about 12 seconds ale coming back in. Solid day and fun Wod. Thrusters are feeling good!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


A. Power Clean + Push Jerk - Single
70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 95kg, 
Felt pretty good here especially the pc. Pj still needs work. Will need to focus more on moving my feet and pushing my head through. More mobility!!!

B. EMOM x 8; PC + PJ x 2 @ 65-70% of A
C. 5 rds
5 SqT Cleans (115)
7 Bar Later Burpees
9 C2B

Time - 6:19

Should have held on a little longer on the c2b but overall thought this workout went pretty well. 


A. OHS 5 x 3 . rest 2 min @32X1
135 x 3, 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 2, 165 x 3, 175 x 3
B. Clean Pull 3x3 @105-115%
These felt better today. Did them @ 280
C. 20 TGU - alternating
Used 35# kb
D. 500m Row - TT
1:29.4. Was really leg tired on this. 
E. EMOM x 20 
Odd: 4-6 HSPU - strict as long as possible
Even: :30 max effort AD

Hspu were strict for the first 3 rounds then I started to kip. Air dyne was tough in later rounds.