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Monday, April 15, 2013


Session 1:
9a : Team WOD - 2 men 2 female
20 Muscle Ups (while partner holds 225#)
60 Wall Ball (while partner holds chin over bar)
100' Buddy & 100# DB Carry
40 Box Jumps - alternating (24)
100' Buddy & 100# DB Carry (opposite person)
2 Muscle Ups (1 each)
Then woman go,
20 Muscle Ups
60 Wall Ball (14) - (partner , chin over bar)
100' Buddy & 70# DB Carry
40 Box Jumps - alternating
100' Buddy & 70# DB Carry (opposite person)
2 Muscle Ups (1 each)

***25 Min Cap

Did first half with Chris Bernard. Went pretty well. Felt good on MU, got 9 in a row and came off so I wouldn't be crushed for the rest of the workout.

Rest 15 min

Session 2:
A. Strength Focus - (weakness #1)
-Back Squat 265x5, 275x3, 285x1, 295x1
Felt really good today. Changed up the squat a bit and stayed a little more forward than normal. Will continue on with this and see how it goes.

B. Use 65-70% of Jerk Ladder Max
AMRAP 3 - Sqt Clean, to Overhead
- used 165 but lost count of reps. Got around 10

Rest 3 min

Sqt Clean Thrusters - KB's (53/35)
- no damn clue how many. Lost count early. First set was 10. Lost count after that.
C. Sleds w/ 90# on it. Intervals with B and chase for 16 mins. Legs were on fire.


A. Snatch 1RM for Day (squat)
-180 new PR. Felt good. Had to consciously move the feet. Was close to 185. Soon!!

B. few sets of Doubles

C. 1RM Power Snatch

D. FS - 4x2 @22X1
-Hit 245x2. Felt good but was tough.

A. Lactate Endurance Tester
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
400m Run
15 Hang Power Cleans
-Time - 2:40

B. 10 min Recovery AD - Z1
-felt good and kept it @ or over 60 rpm

C. :45 On :15 Off x 3
2. FS 185# from floor
3. Box Jumps 30/24
-score 103 reps

Did c because wouldn't be working out Saturday. Wanted a little extra volume.

* lighter volume today, prepare for tomorrow.


A. Skill: Muscle Up Work - Rings / Bar
*use # if the MU is not an issue + DB Snatch Practice. Get comfortable with the movement - 10 min

30# mu.

B. L Sit Holds - accumulate 1 min from rig, 1 min on Pbars, 1 min with 1 more variation ; ie: floor, rings, change grip etc

C. HS Walk Practice - 5 min

D. AMRAP 5 - Thrusters
95/63 x12
135/93 x12
195/123 x12
Got through 1 @ 165

Rest 5

5 min To establish 1RM Thruster at this Point
Got 195 but back was still unstable as usual at the top. Locked out fine but find go any higher.

E. EMOM: x 20
Odd: Pistols x 8-12
Even: C2B 6-8

Did this during kids class in their transitions

F. Recovery Row - 7 min at 2:10/2:20 Pace

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Went for a 5k+ run. Kept a pretty good pace. Felt good to get on the road.

Clean and Jerk
- heavy singles for day 95, 135, 165, 185, 195, 205

Complex - 1 RM of squat clean/front squat x2/jerk
135, 165, 185, 195

3 power cleans 205#
5 hspu - 45# and abmat
7 box jumps - 40"

3 full rounds. Waited too long before warmup and wod starting and 225 clean wasn't happening. Dropped to 205 and lost about 50 seconds in the weight changeover.

Rest 5 mins

1k row
30 ghd sit-ups
60 walking lunges

Time - 6:49

Felt really good in the second one and with both wods overall. Quads def felt smoked in the second one. Low back was a little tight after first one.