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Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A. Snatch triple - tng - 135. Went to 155 and got 2 of the 3. Still needs work. 

B. "Fran"
Thrusters 95#
Time - 3:38 - was an :11 pr and did the whole workout unbroken. Was happy with my time overall though. Still need to rest less between sets

C.   Back squat 4x9 @ 75%. 

Used 225 and did all sets straight. No breaks between reps. Still on toes a little for some reps but good sets overall. 


5a - steak tips and broccoli left over from last night. 
8a - oatmeal - 3 packets of maple brown sugar
11a - cliff bar max
330p - protein shake and tuna on a protein wrap
930p - chicken broccoli ziti

Sunday, June 23, 2013


A. Back Squat 10x3 @85% 

Used 255 and felt good. 10 sets were complete in 23 mins. Kept rest periods short

^ this will end week 1 of our cycle.
B. Row x 30 min 
:30 On @Z3 -85-90%
:30 On @Z1 

Kept split around 1:42-1:43 for 20 rounds. Had a couple rounds that maintained 1:37-1:38. First couple rounds felt crappy but I settled in after that. 


A. Clean - Heavy Single

185, 205, 225, 235, 245, 255 PR, 260xF

B. OHS 5x2 @32X1

Cut these short because my hand was killing me. Felt like knives in my palm. Worked up to 165. 

C. Back Squat - 7x5 @80%

Squats still feeling good. Occasionally on my toes but not struggling yet in the cycle. 

800m Run
25 Box Jumps (40/30)
800m Run
50 KB Swings (70/53)
800m Run
100 Wall Balls (20/14) - to 10' target

Finished in 22:48

I was happy with the entire WOD except for the wall balls. Box jumps were fast, kb swings were unbroken. Wall balls were 20-15-15-10-10-10-9-11

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


A. Snatch - Double - off low blocks 

Worked through 95, 115, 135, 145, 155xF

Felt good but failed on 145 a bunch of times. Kept catching in the hole but was unstable and lost it. 

B. Back Squat 5x7 @ 75% - across

Used 225 and was really easy 

C. EMOM Work

X 10 min
5 Burpees + 6 C2B - AFAP

X 14 min
Odd: hspu 4-6 - alter accordingly 
Even: t2b: 6-10

Finishe the burpees and c2b in 16-18 seconds for all 10 rounds.  Tried to practice butterfly c2b and got unbroken in first 8 rounds. Hspu felt decent and f2b were easy. 


A. Hang Power Clean 5x2 - ascending

185, 205, 215, 225, 235xF

B. Deadlift 3x5 @31X1- worked up to 335 and it felt good. Maintained a flat back and stayed consistent with 3 second descent. 

C. MAP - Sustainability 80-85%

20 Cal AD
15 BJ (24/20) - step down
10 TnG Power Cleans (115/83) 

Rest 5

50 Double Unders
15 GHD Sit-ups
10 Burpees

WOD 1 - 4+17
WOD 2 - 4+64

Felt good in both wods. Kept a pretty solid pace. Took 2 rounds to get my du going in the second AMRAP but got the third and fourth rounds unbroken. 


A. Power Snatch / OHS x 2 @60% of OHS - EMOM x 8

Used 120 and felt good. 

B. Back Squat 4x9 - across @ 70% - rest accordingly between sets
^ rest accordingly following the BS

210# - were easy sets

C.  Max Effort 500m Row - 1:29.9
Rest 5
50 Unbroken Wall Balls
35 Unbroken KB Swings (70/53)

Rest accordingly following each set. Main goal is unbroken!^ - as you will need it. 

Got everything unbroken but had to take a break before hspu. Started dry heaving outside. Not sure what caused it but got back in and finished the hspu in 3 sets 4-12-4. Fell off the wall @ 4 and then again after 12 more. Felt strong like I could have done them all unbroken as well. 

Time - 25:40 after the 30 burpee penalty. 


A. Back Squat - 3x5 across @ Mondays max weight.
Used 245 and was easy. 

B. Row x 25 min
:30 on @Z3
:30 on @Z1

Loooong row!

C. Weakness Work


A. Clean Cluster 1.1.1 x 4 ; rest 10 sec, rest 3 minutes 
^working sets at 80% +

Got 235, missed 245. Got the first clean but missed the second on the first attempt. Second attempt I missed the first clean. 

B. Push Press - est a 2RM

195x2, missed 205, then missed 200. Both were failed on the first rep. 

Run 200m
30 Pull-ups
10 Push Jerks (135/93)
20 Pull-ups 
10 Push Jerks (155/103)
10 Pull-ups 
10 Push Jerks (185/118)
Run 400m

30 pullups unbroken
10 push jerks unbroken
20 pull ups unbroken
10 push jerks 8-7
10 pull ups unbroken
10 push jerks - singles

Time - 16 mins?  Not sure but should have taken picture. 


A. 10 min to climb to HEAVY Single OHS.  
^ starting with empty barbell.  
B. At 10 min mark, go into 5 min to hit Heavy Triple OHS 
^ all from Rack

Climbed up to 195 on the single then went to 185 on the double. Ram out of time. Felt really solid during the 195 and the 185 triple was easy.  195 was a PR as was 185 for 3. Previous 1rm was 180. 

Rest 5-10 min

15 KB SqT Cleans (44/26)
15 KB SqT Cleans (53/35)
15 KB SqT Cleans (70/53)
^ 2 KB's, 1 per hand. Must touch floor each time. 

Time - 5:38. Went 15, 8-7, 4-4-4-3. Next time will try to shorten breaks a little. Was hard on the legs but mostly gas tank was limiting factor. 

Rest 10 min

D. EMOM x 8
Odd: # Pull-ups x 3 rep
Even: 6-8 T2B

E. 7 min Recovery Row @Z1 


A. Complex :  Power Clean / Push Jerk / Split Jerk - Heavy Single - got 205. Felt good with that number. Was happy to meet the number I was shooting for

B. Clean Pull 4x2 @41X1 @115-120%

C. MAP - Sustainability @80-85%
10 GHD sit-ups
10 Burpees ,AFAP
10 Box Jumps (30/24) - step down 

Rest 4 min 

Run 200m
15 KB Swings (53/35)

Saturday, June 15, 2013


A. SqT Snatch : Triples. Not TnG , but right back on bar. 135, 145, missed 155 on the third snatch twice. 

B. BS 4x5 @32X1 - 225, 235, 245, 255x2 then failed third rep

C. CP Breathing / High Skill:
9 Thrusters (185/123)
9 Ring Muscle Ups
12 Thrusters (155/103)
12 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters (135/93)
15 C2B Pull-ups 

16:19 First set of thrusters were all singles, mu were 7-2, 155# thrusters 5-4-3, bar mu 4-4-4, 135# thrusters 8-7, 15 c2b unbroken 


A. 1RM SqT Clean - 245 went to 255 and missed x 3
B. 1RM Split Jerk 220, ties an old clean and jerk pr but still needs work 
C. 5 rds AFAP
9 Burpees
12 Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Wall Balls (20/14) - 10' Target

10:13. Back died on this workout. Return to the ground with the bar was the worst part on the fourth and fifth rounds. Everything was unbroken but those last 2 rounds of power cleans

Thursday, June 6, 2013


A. 1 x AMRAP strict hspu - 9 pr*
Rest 10 mins
B. 1 x AMRAP pull-ups - 28. Bad day for pull-ups. Hands were really irritated and couldn't find a rhythm with the butterfly so I just came off the bar. 
Rest 5-10
1 mile trail run
50 kb swings 70#
400m run

Time 11:12. Felt like the trail run was really slow but I finished it in just under 7 mins. Broke up kb swings to 25-15-10 which felt good. Last 400 was slow. Legs were dead. 


730a - 3 packets oatmeal
830a - double egg and bacon on a plain bagel, banana nut muffin. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


A. 1 RM Deadlift - 135, 225, 275, 315, 365, 405, 425, 440, 450 PR*

Bar was getting out front a bit and felt heavy today. Gotta work the same thing in the clean as well. Getting pulled Ono my toes a bit. 

B. 10 min AD test - 213 cals. Went out a little too strong in the first minute or so. 


4:30a - pro strength
530a - 12 oz milk and 3 packets maple and brown sugar oatmeal
840a - double bacon, double egg on a plain bagel
11a - cliff max bar
220p - post WOD protein shake
5p - 14 oz steak tips, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn bread

Monday, June 3, 2013


A. 1 RM front squat - 275. Failed @ 282x2. 275 has been consistent but need to start getting past these sticking points in my squat. Need the gains. 

Rest 10 mins

B. EMOM x 10 mins
5 front squats @ 70% of A
Did @ 195 and didn't have a problem with it. 

C. 30 MU for time
6:40 PR by prob 45 seconds. Felt good. 8-4-2-3-3-3-3-2-2

EMOM x 20
5 hspu every other minute. Did first 4 rounds strict then had to start kipping.  


430a - pro strength
530a - 12 oz whole milk
830a - 2 packets oatmeal, 1 large stuffed pepper
1115a - banana nut muffin with butter and a double bacon, double egg on a plain bagel
330p - post workout shake and 1/3 of a tuna wrap
715p - rest of tuna wrap and ice cream

Saturday, June 1, 2013


A. 2k row TT
Finished in 7:01. Tried to keep a 1:45-1:48 split then go hard at the end. That was the idea and it worked out almost as planned. Was 1:47-1:48 for a little while in the row. Last 250 was in high 1:30's, like 1:37 but just couldn't get enough to get it under 7 mins. Could feel stress in IT band and quads entire row. Need more mobility. 

B.  Max l-sit hold on paralletes
:39. Quads fried and triceps gave out. 

C. Max l-sit hold on rig
:42. Low back felt it from start. Just tried to tough it out best as possible. Finally abs kicked in then failed. 

D. Max GHD sit-ups in 1 min
35 sit-ups. Felt like I had a pretty good pace going an didn't slow down at all. 


730a - pro strength

830a - double bacon double egg on plain bagel

12:30p - pre wo drink

2:30 post wo shake followed by a glass of whole milk