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Monday, January 26, 2015


A. Snatch pull + snatch + 3 OHS
Built to 60kg and stopped there because wrist was killing from catching clean low last week. 
B. Behind the neck split jerk + front rack split jerk
Built up to 85kg and felt good. Not a max but focusing on speed and footwork
C. 3 rounds 
25 thrusters 95/105/115
25 lateral burpee bar hops
•rest 1 min b/t rounds 
*weight increases every round 
D. SA DB row 4x8
53, 70x3 rounds 
E. 3 rounds 
20 hollow rocks
20 back ext 
Rest 2 min b/t rnds 

Second session 
A. Back squat 5x5 @ 80% (120kg)
B. Reverse hyper 3x20 @ 50kg

Friday, January 23, 2015


Strict press 5x3 starting @ 75% of 1rm ascending 
Warm up sets 20x10, 30x5, 40x5, 50x5
55x3, 57x3, 59x3, 61x3, 63x3

Push press 5x5 starting @ 70%
72x5, 75x5, 78x5, 81x5, 84x5