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Monday, June 30, 2014


Snatch wave building on previous weeks
1@80%, 1@84%, 1@88%, 1@84%, 1@88%, 1@92%, 1@88%, 1@92%, 1@96%

Made all snatches except 96%. Snatch really only felt solid on one lift. Will continue to work it. 

Back squat 
1x8 @ 65% - 91kg
1x8 @ 70% - 98kg
1x6 @ 80% - 112kg
1x6 @ 85% - 119kg

Made all lifts with 2 sec pause in the hole. Was really hard today!  Glad I got through them all

EMOM x 20
Odd - 5 burpees and 5 kb squat cleans & 53#
Even - 5 strict hspu

Finished the burpee/kb squat clean portion in under :30 every round and got faster as the time went on. 

Hspu started @ 5 for the first 3 rounds and went to 4 for one round then all 3's to finish it out. Found a much better position for myself and will definitely be working this more often. Good couple days!!!  Starting to get back in the groove. 


Worked on some sets of butterfly pull-ups. Last week worked sets of 10, today worked sets of 15. Did around 6 sets all ub and felt pretty good. 

Nick was trying to beat chases score in the 2 min DU test so I did it with (after) him and got a pretty big PR. 216 in 2 mins. 216 straight also. Previous best for ub du's is prob 130 so huge gains there. Very happy with today. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014


A. Strict press - heavy double in 10 min 
Worked up to 65kg. Left shoulder felt like shit today. Weak from the start. 

•rest 2 min

B. Bench press - heavy double in 10 min
Worked up to 90kg. Shoulder still felt like shit but pretty happy with this considering. 

•rest 2-4 mins

C. Deadlift - build to heavy triple not TnG in 10 min
Worked up to 160kg. Was a little cautious with this today because of my back and hamstring. Hamstring was still tight today so stopped here but it felt heavy regardless. 

10 cal AB
20 cal row
300m shuttle run (50m down and back)

Score - 5+32

Was 1 shuttle run away from finishing the 6th round. Runs felt slow. Kept the AB from 409-425 and rowed in the mid 1400 cal for every row

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Back squat
1 x 10 @ 84kg
1 x 8 @ 98kg
1 x 8 @ 105kg
1 x 8 @ 112kg

Got all with a 2 sec pause in the hole. Really tough on last 2 sets. 

Split jerk triple from rack
Stopped there because was getting tough and looking like shit. 

A1. Single arm lunge presses
35x10, 40x10, 40x10, 45x10

A2. Weighted ghd sit-ups 

Map training 
Amrap 10
15 cal AB
10 box jumps holding 25# plate
5 strict hspu 

Got 4+3. Box jumps were hard but happy I got all of my hspu unbroken 

Amrap 10
10 kb power cleans 53#
20 du's 
3 power snatches 145#

5 rounds even?  Might have been 4. Got same as chase and was 10 reps (kb) behind Brandon. 


Rest day

Carried around the hot ass vacuum and cleaned the whole gym for about 2 hours. Active recovery haha


For time 
5 strict mu
200m run
4 strict mu
200m run
3 strict mu
200m run
2 strict mu
200m run
1 strict mu
200m run
3 mu
200m run
5 mu
200m run
7 mu
200m run
9 mu
200m run

Time - 15:28
Happy that I got all sets ub except the set of 9 which I broke into 6/3. Grip/pull was going and rings were a bit slick 

Rower - outside. BEAUTIFUL damn day. 
500m x8
Was supposed to row @ 1:46 but felt easy so I pushed it a little. Felt good overall. Legs started to go towards the end but happy with it. 

Side flies w/ 2.5kg plates for 15 reps x4 sets

SA Kb rows - 70# kb x10 ea arm x4 sets


Back squat 
1x10 @ 60% -
1x8 @ 65% -
1x6 @ 70% -
1x6 @ 75% -
1x6 @ 80% -

Did all reps with a 2 sec pause in the hole. 

EMOM x 14

Odd - hspu sets of 5 
Even - :45 sprint on AB

Jerk holds x :20. 

These were miserable and worked up to 75kg. 


Rest day 

Saturday, June 21, 2014


A. 10RM Front SqT - in 15 minutes or so
40-60-80-90-100-110.  Pretty pleased with this as it was what I had in my head for the number I was shooting for 

B. Ind: 
30 Clean & Jerk 135#
30 bar lateral burpees 
30 T2B
30 Cal Row 
Time - 8:18


A. CG Grip Pull + Below Knee Pull + Hang Clean Pull; 3x3 @102-105%
Went up to 126kg, felt really heavy. Did this last after all else was finished. 
B. 400m Run; top of every 3 min @90% x 6
Ran 1:03 x 3, 1:06 x 2, 1:08. Felt shitty on all of these. Left hamstring/hip/piriformis is still really bothering me.
C. 5 rds 
2 TGU (1 each arm - heavy)
:15-:20 L-Sit hold
60’ Burpee Broad Jump
:30-:45 min Plank Hold

Did max times on l sit and plank holds and used a 53# kb for tgu

Monday, June 16, 2014


Tried a pre workout today - used some amino energy and beta alanine before the warmup and throughout the squats 

Warm up 
Row 400
Run 400
X5 rounds

Back squat 
10 @ 84 - added 1 sec pause @ bottom 
8 @ 98 - added 1 sec pause @ bottom
6 @ 105 - added 1 sec pause @ bottom
4 @ 112 - added 1 sec pause @ bottom

Pause made it difficult. Would have been pretty easy without it. Legs still aren't back fully but will progress with the coming weeks. 

Emom x 20 
Odd - assault bike 12 cals
Even - 10 wall balls to 10' target 30#

1 @ 75% - 63kg
1@80% - 67kg
1@85% - 71kg
1@78% - 65kg
1@83% - 69kg
1@88% - 73kg missed then made
1@81% - 68kg
1@86% - 72kg
1@90% - 76kg missed x2 then made with straps. Tore thumb open. 

Hang clean x2 + jerk x2 - 50, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100. Pretty happy with it even though the 100 was ugly. Was a good weight and haven't had that heavy overhead in a while since the back has been messed up.