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Thursday, May 30, 2013


Rest day


530a - pro strength

830a - double bacon, double egg on plain bagel

11a - half of cantaloupe

 11:45a - stuffed pepper

4:30p - fried fish and chips

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


A. Strict press 1rm
162* PR 165*PR!!  Feet moved on 165 and it was a huge struggle but fought through it for prob 12 seconds which felt like 45 mins. 

B. 1 set max kipping hspu
15. Fell off the wall. Had more left in me. Close to a pr though. 

15 hang power cleans - 135#
400m run
15 hang power cleans

Rest 3x


2:33, 2:39

Need to stop wasting time. Lost about 4-5 seconds on the first time through because I missed my hook grip on my left hand and couldn't catch it. Had to put bar down and reset. Second time through wasted around 6 seconds chalking up. Waited until right before the WOD started like an idiot. 


530a - 2 Paleo blueberry muffins

830a - double bacon double egg plain bagel

11a - protein shake

2p - chipotle bowl. Got same as always. 1.5 chicken, 1.5 steak, extra rice, cheese and lettuce. Ate a little over half of it. 

8:15p - shake with recovery, 2 scoops oats, glutamine, dextrose, bcaas. Was gross but downed it. 

8:45p - rest of my chipotle bowl. 


A.  500m row x3 resting 1:30 b/t
1:29.8, 1:45.2, 1:46.1

Died with 200m left on the first one and it was all down hill after that. Held a 1:22-1:24 split for 200m then started to slow down.  Gas tank held up ok but legs were definitely limiting factor. 

Rest 15 mins

800m run
Max burpee touches with remaining time

32 burpees

Cramped pretty bad around 300m into the run. Finished running straight-ish legged. Got back inside with 1:15 left and started burpees which felt great. First 300 of the run felt good as well which was surprising after how legs felt on row. 


530a - protein shake with oats

815 - double bacon double egg on plain bagel

4p - small hamburger, no bun

8p - 1 large stuffed pepper, butter noodles, 7 pieces of asparagus in olive oil and sea salt.  1/2 pint? of Haagen Daaz

Monday, May 27, 2013


A. 1RM Back Squat 285x1. Missed 295 then went back down to 290 and missed that as well. Frustrated still. 

•rest 10 mins

B.  85% of A for 1 max set. 245x20. New 20 rep pr. Was tough.  

C.  Max C2B pull-ups - 29

D.  Max ring dips - 28. Might have had a couple left but triceps were fried after c2b. 

Legs are already feeling it after B.  well see how it feels tomorrow. 

8a.  Double bacon, double egg on a plain bagel and a banana nut muffin. 

1:30p. Protein shake with 1.5c oats

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


A. Clean - 1RM for Day
Got up to 235 but missed 245 3 times. Just didn't have it today. Caught it super low on the chest every time. 
B. # Pull-up 3x5 
26x5, 35x5, 45x5. Shoulder felt shitty every time at the bottom. 
C. Front Rack Lunges - 1RM
Worked up to 225 and got it on both legs. Missed 235
^ have to complete on both legs 
D. EMOM work x 20
Odd: Individual
Even: Individual 
12 mins 
Even - 30' handstand walk
Odd - 15 sec L sit hold

8 mins 
Even - 12 t2r
Odd - 5-6 strict HSPU
***longer duration be smart with rep scheme based on movements. Will draw out each individually. 
E. GHD Sit-ups 3x20


Active Recovery Day - all at Z1

A. Stretch out ankles, calves and hips. Hit a 1 mile run. 

Mobilize the hamstrings, hips and ankles

Rest a bit

B. Row 5k 

Rowed outside again. Felt phenomenal to be outside!!!


1st Session : 8am

A. Teams of 4 - :30 On / :30 Off
A. DB Squat Clean (40/30)
B. KB OH Lunges (53/35) - KB in 1 Arm
C. AD - Cal
D. HS Hold (wall)
***if person comes off wall, all stations on team must halt. Only can be working while whomever is on D is up in HS Hold.

Felt really good here. Stayed consistent throughout the workout. Was a fun one.  

REST 6 min

Partner up Guy / Girl

Rope Climbs

Kellie and I got 13 

Rest 4 min

Partner up Same Gender 
30' Wheel Barrel 
60' Buddy Carry

Partnered with B and we dominated. Felt really good in this one. Wasn't nearly as rough on the shoulders as I thought it was going to be. 


2nd Session : Noon @ TUFF

A. Technique / Strength on strong man movements. 
Worked Yoke up to 500# and felt really good there. Def be sure to pull the yoke in instead of push. Worked better for me that way. Worked up to a 650# tire ad felt strong there as well.

B. Team WOD implementing movements 
2 rnds
50 pull-ups
14 tire flips - 550# tire
50 wall ball passes over the rig. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Session 1

A. Strength - individualized
Practiced jerk technique up to 135 and stayed there for a while. Getting more comfortable with it finally. More and more reps!!

B. Team WOD

Team of 4, 2 Guy 2 Girl
100 Ground to Shoulder (135/93)
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
100 C2B
100 SDHP (95/63)
100 Burpees

While this is all happening. 4k must be rowed. 1 person will always be on rower, 3 others will be working 1 at a time.
2 barbells. Once row is done, 2 people can work at a time.

Time 18:07?
Few miscommunications mid wod and a weight confusion. We used 115 for sdhp instead of 95. I traded out with Amy on those for the rower because I was too slow.

Session 2:

A. 3 rds - individually
10 DB Snatches (5 each arm alternating)
100m Sprint

100/70 is target on DB

Used 90# db. Shoulder (left) couldn't handle the 100. Finished in 6:24


B. Team Relays - teams of 4
Time - faster than B and Jordan ; D

Thursday, May 2, 2013


A. Clean Ladder - EMOM style
225 climbing by 10.  Got 225, 235, missed 245 twice but got it on a third attempt after I was already dq'd from the ladder.  Missed 255 on all 3 attempts

B. Jerk - Singles for day to 1RM
185x2, 205xF.  Still an issue!!!!

C. "Diane"
Deadlifts 225/155
Time - 10:06

D. EMOM - x 14-20 Min
Odd: weakness
Even: weakness 
Did 3 Rounds AFAP
50 du
50 air squats
Holy leg burn.  Was a good one.  Will use again

E. Recovery Row or AD - 7 min + Recovery mobility / stretching


A. Snatch - Double : TnG
155x2, 165xFx3  Failed 165 on all attempts
B. Snatch Pulls 3x2 @115%

C. Back Squat 3x2 @21X1
265x2, 275x1

A. "Helen"
Time - 8:36
B. 1k Row @ Z1 (immediately following Helen)
C. Foam Roll for min of 10 min. Shoot for 20 


A. Skill Session
Snatch / Clean & Jerk
* working area of weakness on these lifts. 
** low volume. Lots of analyzing. Guys with guys, girls with girls. Keep separate. No platforms. No straps. 
^40 minutes - use clock. Single lifts. Can climb, heavy is ok, but technique and skill session is focus. Something breaks, so not deviate from main goal here.

Snatch felt good in all positions.  Worked mainly on the jerk during clean and jerk technique

Then warmup for movements for wod

B. AFAP , all at same time
Row 1k
30 Pistols (15 each leg, alternating)
20 Hang Clean (225/135)

Time - 19:17  Used 225 for what I could do which ended up being 3 reps.  was finished with row @ 3:26 and pistols @ 4:54.  Used 225 until around 15 min mark then dropped to 205 and finished out with mostly triples and one set of 2

C. Recovery / Mobilize


Session 1:

Cauley Stadium Track, Lowell MA. 

Teams of 2 - Same Gender

A. Skills : Long Jump, Triple Jump
Worked technique with Pat for a while.  Was pretty fun and helped a lot.  Few big things changed that were wrong and really seemed to help

B. Team WOD : Separate SCORES
200m Walking Lunges (135/93)

^ 1 person walking lunges. 1 doing Burpees. 2 scores. Time to complete 200m Walking Lunge is one score. Total amount of Burpees is another. Bar can be positioned however you want. 

Finished around 16 minutes.  We had a bad strategy and had far too many transitions.  Ended up doing 10 burpees each and after 10 burpees we would switch positions.  Ended up with 270 something burpees and were about 40 yards behind next team.

C. Team Relayed Suicides - Cramped during these bad.  Must stay hydrated during future track sessions



Session 1 
A. One Running Clock 
40 min
1. 10 min to est 1RM Snatch - shoulder was tweaky so only did power snatch up to 155
2. 10 min to est 1RM BS for day - 295x1, 305xF
3. 10 min to est 1RM Thruster for day (from floor) *once start decent to Thruster, feet CANNOT move. - 210 PR*
4. 10 min to eat 1RM Front Squat - 265x1, 280xF


B. Front Rack barbell walk. Max distance x 2 (405/315)

Got from the first bay door to the dumpster next door.  Maybe 50 feet.  Will be implementing these more as they were great for the hips.  Really felt them later in the week.

C. Farmers Carries - 100m Intervals

Used 140# per handle for 100m.  Didnt put them down at all.  Did 2 sets 

Session 2:

5 T2B
10 Burpee Slam Balls (50/30)
15 Box Jumps (24/20) - step down

Score - 5+23

E. Row Intervals 
:20 On :20 Off
85-90% x 15-20 Intervals 


8a Session


20 Cal Row
30 Burpees (onto plate)
40 DB - Ground to OH (45/25)
30 T2B
100' OH Walking Lunge (44/25)
50' Sprint

Finished in 14 mins.  Was off the rower and done with the burpees quickly.  DB's killed my time.


Session 2 - Afternoon

Skill / Individual Work

A. HS Walks
B. L-Sit Holds
C. Recovery Row / AD - 30 min


Session 1
A. Snatch Grip PP 4x2

153x3, 173x3, 193x3, 203x3.  Used same rack as the girls but was happy with the weight

B. 1 Max Set of Pull-ups , rest 1 min. Do that same set for time following. 

Only did one set but PR'd with 43

C. Clean Pulls 4x2 @110-115%

Used 295 but still needs work on the technique

Session 2
A. "Jackie"
Time - 7:49 PR*

Rest 10 min

B. EMOM x 16-20 (depending movements)
Odd: Weakness 1. Even: Weakness 2

Used HSPU as a weakness for 10 mins doing 5 every min then did 1 max set of thrusters every minute on the minute for 10 mins.  High of 11 and low of 3 when the bar fell out of my rack position.

C. GHD Back Ext 3x20 , rest accordingly in between 


Session 1
A. Clean & Jerk - 1RM for Day
-Got up to 205.  Clean is never the problem....jerk still the issue
B. Clean - 3RM TnG (SqT or Pwr) Whatever produces max #
-225x3 which I'm pretty happy with

C. BS - Single (10 min to get a heavy single)


Session 2
A. "Grace"
30 Clean & Jerks for Time (135/93)

Time: 3:29 Lost count in the middle somewhere because I thought Dan was counting for me.  Just restarted at the last number I remembered

Rest 10 min

30 Front Squats (95/63), 500m Row
Time - 2:48  Finished front squats in approx :50.

Rest 10

C. Back Squat - 5 Min to rep out 225/155 from Rack. AMRAP. Technique first. Never fail and have to get back to rack etc.
Score - 33 reps.  Should have gone harder and rested less.  Will try again soon.


9a Team WOD: 1st Session

AFAP: Teams of 4. 2 men 2 woman
75 Back Squats (95)
50 Pull-ups
25 S to Oh ^
75 FS (65)
50 Pull-ups
25 S to Oh ^
75 OHS (45)
50 Pull-ups
25 S to Oh

Then two guys go,

Same thing at weights if 135/85/65

***Barbell can't touch ground. 2012 regionals team wod

Did it with Chase, Lindsey and Lynn. Felt good about how we split up the workout. We went through pretty smoothly.

Back Squat -
Pull-ups went c-10, j-15, c-10, j-15
Shoulder to oh went 15 for him, 10 for me
Front Squats -

Will fill in later

2nd Session:
A. GHD - Ball Throws (skill)
A1. 100' Sprint Races

B. Standing Long Jump

C. Triple Jump

D. MaX Effort 500m Row

Rest 6 minutes

E. 5k Run - Sustainability
Finished about 23:30 which is pretty good after all the sprints/jumping/squatting that I did today.


Competitors Warmup + Mobility Prep


A. Snatch - Double
^ drop from top, right back on the bar for second lift.
- shoulder was a little sore so just did power snatch but hit a PR of 165#

B. 5RM TnG - SqT or Power - whatever obtains max #

C. FS - establish 10RM in 10 min and no more than 2 sets.
-got 225x10. Tried 235 but only got 5 reps before I re racked it. Was pretty exhausted after the 225

10 C & J 135/93
5 C & J 165/108
5 C & J 185/113
5 C & J 205/123
3 C & J 225/133
2 C & J 245/143
^ power or squat. Ideally power will be faster but as weights increase if you have to squat clean, that's fine.
-got through 205 in about 15 mins then cleaned the 225x3 without the jerk

E. 400m Sprints x 5 , resting 2 min between.
-1:12, 1:14, 1:14, 1:20, 1:16

F. 7 min Recovery Row - Z1

*** rest between C & D and D & E

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


A. Bench Press - Doubles
- 205x2 - shoulder didn't feel good benching
B. Individual Strength Work
^ have 20 min for Above. Warm up and then start clock.
-Back squatted 275x2

C. Rear Band Scap Squeezes 3x20

D. CP - Breathing
15 x OHS (75/53)
Row 200m
15 x OHS (105/73)
Row 200m
15 x OHS (135/93)
Row 200m
15 x OHS (165/113)
Row 200m
15 x OHS (195/133)
Etc. . . Keep climbing if get that far

Score - got 165x3 on the ohs. Wrist and shoulder werent great but still is a good weakness wod for me. Need to keep hitting this weekness

D. EMOM: x 14 + 6-10 minutes of added individual weakness minute.
Odd: Pull-ups (C2B)
Even: HSPU (deficit and strict).
***C2B - men, strict while can, smaller kip. Make kip bigger when u need to. Treat this as strength.

E. GHD Back Ext 4x20 , resting in between.
F. 7 min recovery AD - Z1
G. 10 min Recovery Mobility


A. 10RM TnG Squat clean (10min)
-got 165x10. Went from a few warmup reps @ 135 up to 185 which I tried for 10 but only got 7. Was super winded. Will be trying this again.

Rest 5

B. 1RM FS for day @20X1 (10min)
- 265x1, 280xF

Rest 5

C. Snatch Grip DL 4x2 ascending @21X1 (10min)
- 335x2

D. L-Sit - accumulate 2 min, DB on floor

200m Run
50 Wall Balls (20/14) to 10'
400m Run
50 Pull-ups
200m Run

Time - 8:19