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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wed 11-28-2012

Back squat - 95x10, 95x10, 135x10, 135x10, 185x8, 225x5, 245x3, 265x1, 275x1, 280x1

Wod 1
8 power cleans 155#
12 box jumps 30"
16 abmat sit-ups

Score: 5 rounds

Rest 5 mins

200m row
15 burpee jump touches (6" above outstretched arms)

Score: 5 rounds

3 rds, – one running clock
35 Wall Balls (20/14)
65 Double Unders (130 Singles)
^resting 3 min between rds
3 rds , continuing on after 3 min from last rd,
25 Pull-ups
50 Air Squats
25 Push-ups

Time: 28:39

Wow lots of legs as shoulders but glad I did it.

Back squat - 95x10, 95x10, 135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 245x3, 265x1, 280x1, 290x1 (PR), 295xF, 295xF

Tues 11-27-2012

Front squat - 95x10, 95x10, 135x8, 135x8, 165x8, 195x5, 225x5, 245x3, 255x1, 265xF, 225x3, 225x3, 225x3

Felt ok, need to keep getting reps heavy out of my comfort zone.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Mon 11-26-2012

Back squat - 225x5, 245x5, 265x3, 275x1, 285x1(pr), 295xF

Felt good and prob should have went for 290 before 295 but I was feeling good and felt strong at 285.

WOD - 5 rounds
10 thrusters 95#
10 t2b

Time - 4:58

Got all t2b unbroken and got through all the thrusters unbroken until the last set when I dropped the bar with 2 left. Very disappointed in myself. Should have toughed it out and kept the bar in my hands.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fri 11-09-2012

Snatch - technique

Front squat @ 22X1 - 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 215x5, 225x4

Wod 1
5 squat cleans @ 165
10 lateral bar hop burpees

Score: 3 rnds

Rest 3 mins

Wod 2
200m run
3 bar muscle ups

Score: 4 rounds + maybe half the run even though it doesn't count.

Was happy with all of these workouts today. Felt good on the squat cleans and kept consistent on the burpees. Strung together 3 bar mu every round which surprised me. Went for the run just for good measure with short time left.

Mon 11-12-2012

Row :30 on, :30 off for 10 mins

Most rounds were 13 calories. High of 15, and low of 12.

Rest 5 mins

1 min on, 1 min off
2 min on, 2 min off
3 min on, 3 min off
4 min on, 4 min off
3 min on, 3 min off
2 min on, 2 min off
1 min on

Was in the low 1:50's for the 3 and 4 minute intervals. The 1 min intervals were in the 1:30's and 2 min intervals were in the 1:40's.

1. Back Squat 4×6 20X1
Dont remember weights.

2. AMRAP 2
Clean & Jerk 205#

Score: 1

Rest 2 min

Clean & Jerk 155#

Score: 13

Rest 2 min

Muscle Ups

Score: 13

Super pissed at the first Wod, missed the jerk probably 4 times and hit myself in the face with the last attempt. Second Wod I was very happy with. I push jerked every rep and felt great getting through. Third Wod I was also happy with. 8 straight TJ start it out.

Wed 11-14-2012


95, 115, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175

15# pr today. Missed 175 a ton of times tonight. For most of the times I was missing the bar was still moving up. Most were on the catch. Used straps for 145 and up. Glad I stuck it out and got the pr. 200# by January!!!

Sat 11-17-2012

1. Tester – 5 min Max Calorie Row

Score: 113 cals

Rest 10 Min

2. AMRAP 5 of, 5 Power Cleans (155/105), 10 Burpee Bar Hops

Score: 5+9

Rest 10 Min

3. AMRAP 5 of, 10 Deadlifts (225/155), 40 Double Unders

Score: 4+4

Wods got easier as they went along. Ie Wod 2 felt easier than 1, 3 easier than 2. Wod 3 took me a few to get my du's going because I couldn't find my rope. Used B's. Good day training overall.

Sun 11-18-2012

Open gym

Strict press - 95x5, 105x5, 115x5, 125x5, 130x5

Squat singles up to 265.

Messed around with some double unders for a bit. Nothing too crazy. Took it light today.

Fri 11-23-2012

Front squats - 95x10, 95x10, 135x10, 135x6, 155x5
@22X1 - 155x3, 175x3, 195x3, 205x3 (hard), 215x3 (harder),

Back squat - @ 22X1 - 135x5, 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, 205x5, 215x5, 225x5

2k row - stayed at 1:58 for 95 percent of the row. Felt good. Ready for grace tomorrow

Mobilized a bit

Wed 11-21-2012

Snatch - 95x3, 115x3, 135x2 (x2), 155x1, 155xF

C & J - 135x4, 165x4, 185x2, 195x2

Tonight wasn't my night. Cleans felt heavy even at 195. Not sure what was up but I switched to front squats rather than wasting time missing more cleans. More jerk work to come still.

Front squat - 135x8, 165x6, 195x5, 225x3, 245x2, 245x2, 245x1, 225x5, 185x8, 155x10, 135x15

After I failed on the third set with 245 I started dropping weight but kept raising the reps. Kept the reps possible and also kept the volume up.

Sat 11-24-2012

Amazing Grace at the box today. We had a solid turnout of about 50+ people to participate. Event ran smoothly

Grace - 2:58 PR

So happy about this. Started off with 8 straight, kept the sets even with a good pace, didn't try and go too fast. Goal was sub 3 and I just barely made it but ill take it

Back squats - 135x10, 135x10, 185x5, 185x5, 225x5, 235x5, 245x5, 257x5 (pr), 260x5(pr)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mon Oct 22, 2012

Deadlift 225#

Time - 8:29 PR*

This was a PR by a long shot. I think my previous best was somewhere around 12 minutes +. Difference was definitely the hspu. They're stronger hit def still not where they need to be.