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Monday, August 11, 2014


A. Behind the neck split jerk
Worked up to 100kg which felt super easy so I went up to 110 for a PR just because but was hesitant with it. Will keep working. Jerk if feeling much better. Learning to use the oscillation of the bar much better. 
B. Snatch pulls - 3x3 @ 100%

Kept it light and just mobilized/prepped for the weekend 


A. Build to heavy C & J 
B. EMOM x 20; every other 
2 Sqt Cleans + 2 split Jerks ; sets @75-80%% isn of you 1RM clean and Jerk *should be tough but do able for all minutes with tight, efficient movement 
Used 83 to start then went up to 85 @ minute 7 and finished @ 87 for the last minute 

C. Weighted pullups - heavy 5 rep x 4-5 sets; ascending in weight 

Went up to 130 w/ no belt and felt pretty good

B.  @ 80%
amrap 10 
row 300m 
20 double unders 
10 Wall Balls (30/20)
rest 4 min
amrap 10 
10 cal assault bike 
5 strict ring dips 
10 T2B
rest 4 min 
10 min ad
:30 on hard
:30 on easy 

1. 4+2
2. 6+7
3. Didn't do

Felt super gassed during these.  Need to figure out whats been going on last couple days


A. Power Clean x 3 + Push Jerk ; climb to heavy single in complex in 15 min 

Worked up to 90kg with makes. Got 95 for 3 cleans but missed the jerk 

B. Deficit Deadlift w/Chains ; build to heavy Single here 
Built up to 170kg

C1. Single Leg SqTs (athletes choice as for suitcase or bb on back etc; but foot up on bench/box behind)4-6 reps here @31X1
Went up to 44# kb's in each hand.  Legs started to get crampy

C2. 200m run   :5 hard / :10 slow till completion 

D. Row; Cyclical Work (athlete specific)
those build on splits, remove second or two from split times and repeat 4-500’s 
those for aerobic work, hit :30 on hard, :30 on easy x 12-18 min 
- Didn't do aerobic stuff

A. 5 rds ; rotation starting station each time
400m Run 
20 C2B 
12 Power Snatch (115/83(95/63) *UB is goal here 
10 burped box jump overs 
40 Double Unders
rest 4 min between rds 
10-15 min of Bodybuilding movements; have some fun! 

Died on this workout.  Wasn't feeling great from the start and just sucked the life out of me.  Glad to know it pretty much crushed everyone else also however I was really slow.  Started cramping during my snatches in round 3 but kept fighting through it mentally more than anything.  

Monday, August 4, 2014


A. Snatch wave
60-65-70-65-70-75-70-75-80 (miss)

B. Back squat - sets of 5

C1. 10rm oh walking lunge 

C2.  Box jump 1/2/1 40"-44"

D. Emom x20
Odd - 1 burpee + 2 hspu x2 sets
Even - :50 on AB

Got 2 sets full on all odd minutes except for 1 set and I missed 1 hspu 

AB - 138 cals stopping bike every time