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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wed March 28, 2012

1Rm clean: 95x8, 135x3, 185x1, 205x1, 225x1 235xF

Felt good but still need to clean up my technique. Still reasonably happy with the pr though

Tues March 27, 2012

Bench: 185x3 195x3, 205x2.

Failed on the third attempt at 205, needed help to finish the lift. Shoulders felt a bit sore and have been lately.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sun March 25, 2012

Hiked Mt. Osceola. Only did first peak because of weather. Coming back down was tough because of all of the ice. Took us about 5 hours total on the trail.

Sat March 24, 2012

General warmup

WOD: 7 min amrap
3 thrusters (100#)
3 c2b
6 thrusters
6 c2b
9 thrusters
9 c2b


Score: 96 reps

Felt pretty good during whole workout. Took a little too much rest in between stations but overall pretty satisfied

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mon March 19th 2012

Warmup: General CrossFit warmup

Strength: 3 sets max pullups

30, 25, 24

WOD: "Christine"
3 rounds
Row 500m
12 bodyweight deadlifts (165#)
21 box jumps

Time: 10:02

Time was ok but quads were junk from doing 12.4 twice.

Cash out: ice bath for 15 mins