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Monday, December 10, 2012

Mon 12-10-2012

Mon Dec 10, 2012

Snatch EMOM x 20 mins
95x3x3mins, 105x3x3 mins, 115x2x2 mins, 135x1x5 mins, 140x1x4 mins, 145x1x3

Missed a few at 135, 140, & 145 so I had to redo them within the minute. Pulls felt good but the catch felt very unstable. Shoulders weren't solid when the bar was being received in the bottom...lazy!!

Hspu - 2x45# plates and 1 abmat
Got 5, 4, 3, 2 for my sets on these. After I failed I dropped a set of 45's to only 1 set of plates (thanks to Jordan for making that quick) and finished the rest of my reps. Last set was 5 on only 1 set of 45's

EMOM x 10 mins
5 Power cleans 155#
Ring dips

Finished all power cleans and ring dips within 22 seconds for the first 8 rounds kipping the ring dips. Did the last 2 sets strict and finished rounds within 24 seconds. Kip felt amazing tonight.

350m row
10 wall balls 30#
20 abmat sit-ups

This one was tough. Went out of the gate a little too hard on the first row and paid for it the rest of the workout. Wall balls were tricky once that sucker got wet. Sweat + 30# wall ball= no fun. Power clean Wod def didn't help this one be any easier

Score - 3 Rounds

3 rounds
10 GHD sit-ups
35 DU's

Ghd sit-ups hurt my back like always. More strength work needed there. Add it to the list!!

3 rounds
30 second wall sit
800m run

Felt great on the run tonight. Lungs were strong. Legs got a bit tired but pushed through and felt great after. Recovery was quick as it has been lately.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wed 12-05-2012

WOD: 4x Through
1 min Cal Row
Rest :15 seconds
:45 Sec KB Swing (53/35 – 70/53)
Rest :15 sec

Rest 1 Min


Rest 1 min

Burpee plate jumps (comp standard)

Score: 78, 52, 26, 34

Row/kb was tough. More winded than muscle fatigue which I wasn't expecting. Felt pretty good during the t2b but was still tired. Burpees started off with 18 straight then tapered off as I got tired.

Weightlifting Wednesday

Clean: 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 245xF, 245x1, 252x1 (pr), 255xF, 255xF, 255xF

Front squat: 135x10, 185x8, 225x5, 245x3, 255x2, 265x1 (pr), 275x1 (pr)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tues 12-04-2012

5 min max cal row
2:30 rest
4 min max DU's
2 min rest
3 min max box jumps 42"
1:30 rest
2 min max dumbbell snatch 80#
1 min rest
1 min max deficit hspu 45's

100 cals, 257 DU's, 37 box jumps, 12 snatches, 11 hspu

Everything in this whole workout felt great. Row was the only thing a little bit tough on the legs but didn't really feel too beat up at all. Did sets of 50 on the DU's and got them all unbroken. Last set got 57. Box jumps had a very short cycle time and felt good. Snatches got me a little winded as the rest period was shorter and hspu felt pretty good. Would have gotten more but kept falling off the damn wall.

200m Run
5 Ring Dips (light weight)

Rest 3 min

5 Burpee Box Jumps
30 Double Under

Rest 3 min

200m Run with #
10 Pull-ups

Rest 3 min

10 GHD Sit-ups
50′ bear Crawl
5 T2B (Strict if possible)

Scores : 4, 5+3, 3+4, 3+11

Felt good for this entire workout. Hips were a little tired in the weighted run but didn't really affect me until the strict t2b

Another great day.

Mon 12-03-2012

1. Clean & Jerk 3RM –
^no letting go of bar
^:40 seconds to complete

Got up to 185 then ran out of time. Wasn't feeling great though. Might have gotten 195. Will get 205 at the comp this weekend. As usual the jerk needs work.

2. Back Squat 5-3-2-1-1-1 up to 90 or so %. Not a 1RM day.

Got up to 280 today. Felt good.

3. AMRAP 3 x 3 – resting 1 min between
10 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/85)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Score - 2+3, 1+7, 1+2

4. Rest 8-10 min after workout then,
1 set if Max Wall Balls (24/20) , once complete, 25 Burpees

Got 50 straight wall balls. Felt great. 25 burpees without stopping between reps.

Fri 11-30-2012

Front squat - 95x10, 95x10, 135x10, 135x10, 165x8, 195x6, 225x5, 245x3, 255x2 (pr), 265xF, 265xF, 265x

Push press 5x2 - 135x4, 155x2, 175x2, 185x2, 195x1

Weighted ring dips - 3x3 @ 53#s

AMRAP 11 – 750m Row then AMRAP
8 Front Squats (115/85)
10 KB Swings (70/53)
12 Bar Lateral Burpees

Score : 4+10