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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Worked out today @ 1:45 with B, chase, mike, dan, JP, Lynn and Danielle. Was a fun training session. 

A. 12 min clock
Dead lift @ 345

Remainder of time is AMRAP 
5 wall balls @ 30#
10 t2b

Kinda died on the dead lifts. They were heavy and I had to keep taking my belt off. Went unbroken except for the set of 2 and I had to drop to take the belt off because it was killing. 

Ended up with 4 + 5 for a final score. 


A. Hang Power Snatch - Build to 5 & 3 rep for the day  - 15 min
Worked up to 60 kg for 5 then 65 kg for 3. Went to 70 but was being a bitch after I smashed my pubic bone. Ran out of time there. 

B. 10RM TnG Push Press for the day - 2-3 attempts at max weight
Worked my way up to 70 kg which I was pretty happy with. 

A. 5 min on clock 
10 Clean and Jerks @135/93
10 Clean and Jerks @155/108
10 Clean and Jerks @185/123
10 Clean and Jerks @205/138
10 C&J @225/153

Got through 6 reps @ 185. Clean and jerk for reps still a bit awkward for some reason. Will play with it more coming up. 

rest 5 min

amrap 10@90%
9 T2B
11 Box Jumps (24/20)

Got 7 + 17 which I was pretty happy with. Kept moving the whole time and got 8 rounds through the hspu unbroken. 

rest 4 min 

amrap 10@95%
row 250m
15 Goblet Squats (70/53)
5/4  Muscle Ups

Got 3 + 165m. Again all unbroken and had a good pace. Didn't rest before t2b or box jumps. Got 8 rounds through the hspu which felt really good fo

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


A. GHD Situps 3x20 
Done easily
B. Accumulate 3 min of L-Sit Holds
Did these in :20 increments. Need to def do more l sit work. 
C. Good Mornings 5x5; ascending
Worked my way up to 185
:30 on HARD
:30 on easy
x 12-18 min on Rower

Went through 18 mins

A. 10 rep - OHS - in 12 minutes
Worked my way up to 80kg which has to be a huge pr for me. Could have gotten more if it weren't for my right hand still. After a while it just kills. Was able to keep it stable enough for the first 9 reps then was super shaky on 10. Failed the first 2 sets. Got 4 reps then 8 the second time I failed. 

B. 21-15-9
Cal on Assault Bike
C2B Pullups

Time - 8:35

Felt really good here. All pull-ups were unbroken and 21&15 were fully butterflied. Only got 5 butterfly on set of 9 before I lost my rhythm and went to a regular kip to save time. 

*rest between B&C

2k Row 
150Double Unders 
10 SqT Cleans @90% (240)

Time - 17:58
Row was paced well. I think I finished around 7:14. Double unders went 33/75/120/150
Missed the first squat clean but then made all the rest. Could have gotten back on the bar a little faster but time off the bar is getting better. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


:30 on Hard
:30 on easy
x 12 min on AD
B. Strict Press- build to 2RM in 10 min
Worked up to 65kg. Felt pretty good. Could have gotten a little higher but ran out of time 
C. Push Press - build to 5RM in 10 min
Worked up to 88kg and that was about as heavy as I was gonna get for the day. Felt good and was pretty happy with that. 

A. SqT Clean Complex: SqT Clean + Hang (below knee) SqT Clean + Hang (above knee) SqT Clean + TnG SqT Clean - built to max in this complex
Went 80-90-100-105 on this. Missed first attempt @ 105 on below the knee. Just left it out front. Felt good with it though. 
amrap 10 @90
10 OHS (95/63)
10 Box Jumps (24/20) - step down
10 T2B
rest 4 min
amrap 10@90
5 cal AB
10 Front SqTs (95/63)
20 Double unders 

First AMRAP - 7+23. Felt really good in this one. Should have just power snatched the first rep instead of trying to full snatch it to count as the first rep. Just wasted a few seconds readjusting feet and chasing the bar. Hips were def feeling it towards the end. 

Second AMRAP - 5+1 this one was much harder for me. Mostly mentally challenging as the weight wasn't that tough but legs were on fire. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


A. 800m row x 6 rest 2 min b/t
Kept around a 1:50 average and felt pretty good

Did a test for frosty flourisher 
Ladder ascending by 1 rep 1,2,3,4,5
Hang cleans @ 115
Shoulder to oh same weight
Box jumps @ 30"

Went up to 5 and took 2 or 3 mins. Can't remember 

12 min on clock

Mins 1-4 
15 thrusters @ 100
15 c2b

Mins 4-8
10 wall balls 20#
10 kb swings 53#

Min 8-12
15 thrusters @ 100
15 pull-ups 

Pretty much repeat of opens wod from last year and got through 3 rounds on te first 4 minutes. Was what I would need to advance. Pretty happy with it. Butterflies my whole first round unbroken, second round 11/4 butterfly into reg kip then 8/7 in last round. 

Monday, January 13, 2014


A. Assault bike sprints :35 on rest 3:00 x 10 
B. 2pm
5 rounds 
70 du
500m row
20 pull-ups
20 box jumps
20 DB snatch @ 60#

1. 5:21
2. 15:40 (5:19)
3. 26:09 (5:29)
4. 36:59 (5:50)
5. 48:06 (6:07)

Felt pretty good in all rounds. Hands should have been taped. Will have to invest in some gymnastics wraps soon. All pull-ups were unbroken. Double unders were pretty fast and all unbroken but last round. Box jumps felt really good and had a good pace on the snatches. 

6:47 wod
6 squ cleans